Fuel - Fitness Unleashed, Energy Lifted 

IgnIte your fire.

Asmaa Hussein (Sammie) 

Founder/Owner at FUEL

Struggling with Work-Life Balance? Reclaim Your Health & Energy with Personalized Coaching 

"For years, I dedicated myself to a demanding career, prioritizing my job and the needs of others over my own health. This constant state of stress eventually took its toll, leading to a concerning health wake-up call.

This experience became a turning point. I became a certified health and fitness coach, passionate about empowering busy professionals like you to achieve sustainable weight loss, manage stress, and regain the energy to live life to the fullest."

Ready to reclaim your well-being? Schedule a free consultation today!

Contact me now for your free initial consultation.

Welcome to FUEL - Fitness Unleashed, Energy Lifted

At FUEL, we understand the unique challenges faced by busy professionals.  We offer personalized coaching programs, workshops, and group sessions designed to help you reach your health and fitness goals through:

FUEL Health and Fitness Coaching

Contact me now for your free initial consultation.